ANS – FaaS project

The University of Toronto is enhancing its information security infrastructure with the launch of a University-wide Firewall-as-a-Service (FaaS) offering. This service will replace the current virtual firewall service provided by the Network Engineering group.

As a key project under the adaptive network security initiative, this project introduces next-generation Information Security-managed FaaS, upgrading the University’s firewall infrastructure.

The project aims to significantly decrease information security risks by providing new network security capabilities and supporting University staff in effectively using security features.


  1. Replace edge and service layer firewalls: Upgrade the existing edge firewalls and repurpose recovered firewalls to replace legacy Service Layer Firewalls.
  2. Develop firewall as a service: Create a service that provides standardized firewall protections for University units, ensuring consistency across the organization.
  3. Enable advanced security subscriptions: Implement next generation advanced security services to enhance the University’s threat protection capabilities.
  4. Unify firewall management and logging: Establish unified management and centralized logging for improved visibility and response to cyber threats by leveraging the next-generation packet inspection services.


  1. Boost information security defenses and reduce risks.
  2. Introduce standardized protections and advanced threat defense.
  3. Upgrade firewall infrastructure for enhanced security capabilities.

Who is this service available for?

The service will be available to all existing and new tri-campus virtual firewall service users and IT administrators.

Service rollout timeline

Phase 1

May to June 2024

Existing virtual firewall service users

Phase 2

Sept. to Dec. 2024

Broader U of T community