Security Awareness and Training platform

The SAT platform delivers course-based training courses, phishing simulations and evaluations that strengthen users’ cyber security skills by combining ORION’s community focused information security approach with CIRA’s software-as-a-service (SaaS) platform.

Note: Only onboarded users can access the platform at this time.

Types of training included:

  1. Phishing simulations: This training provides U of T staff, librarians and faculty with the information they need to detect potential phishing attacks and take appropriate actions to protect themselves against phishing.
  2. Essential security and privacy modules: Curated content that covers information security topics such as data classification, privacy and security best practices.


Cyber security awareness fundamentals for end-users

  • Library of pre-built courses and quizzes
  • Marketplace to download free courses as they are developed
  • Content editor to create presentation-style courses or adapt existing courses
  • Canadian-centric content, with Canadian examples, laws and regulations where appropriate
Automated and customizable phishing tests to reinforce training

  • Library of pre-built email templates and marketplace to download free email templates as they are developed
  • Content editor to create custom spear-phishing templates and custom landing pages
  • Ability to edit email logistics, such as sender name, email address, subject line, attachments and landing page destination
  • Ability to develop SMS phishing (smishing) campaigns
Offers users visibility and transparency of their personal history and provides clear next steps for training

  • Provides risk score and detailed explanation of what items contribute to the score
  • History of completed training courses, phishing simulations and additional activities impacting user risk score
  • Lists required and optional training courses and surveys
Reports for administrators and the executives to track the progress across the organization

  • Identify which users and departments have completed their training and which have outstanding modules
  • Assess phishing simulation campaign metrics
  • Aggregate user survey data to identify cultural trends inside the organization
  • Identify and monitor risk levels

Onboarding process

Interested units may opt to join the project by contacting Ben Akhirevbulu, Project Manager.