7 easy ways to stay safe online

Published: June 12, 2018

A person browsing the internet on her laptop.

Internet users have the world at their finger tips while browsing online – that’s why it’s crucial to take precautions to avoid falling for hacking or phishing attacks.

To stay safe online, follow these web browsing best practices:

  • Install updates

    Regularly install updates for your browser and operating system. These updates will include patches that fix a browser or operating system’s existing vulnerabilities.

  • Use anti-virus and anti-spyware software

    Anti-virus software will seek out and remove any malicious content on your computer. Keep it updated for protection from the latest viruses and malware.

  • Use a firewall

    Firewalls prevent viruses, malware or hackers from gaining access to your computer.

  • Look for “https”

    The “s” in “https” stands for secure and signifies that the website, and any information you enter into the website, is protected. Look for the “s” or a padlock symbol that indicates that a website is secure.

  • Read privacy policies

    Stay informed by reading the privacy policies of the websites you visit. This can help you understand how websites are using the information they collect from you.

  • Avoid using free Wi-Fi

    Cyber criminals can steal your information while you use public Wi-Fi networks. Avoid using them if possible, especially when accessing or providing sensitive information such as financial information.

  • Protect your identity

    Use different user names and passwords for different websites. Make sure to create strong passwords for your online accounts by combining letters, numbers and symbols.