Service overview
- Faculty
- Staff
- Students

Weblogin is the web single sign-on service, which is used by hundreds of University service providers to provide authentication via UTORid/password. It also provides ‘coarse-grained’ authorization attributes such as affiliation and email address, which can be used by services to create and maintain local accounts and restrict access. Weblogin uses Shibboleth as the underlying technology.
Federated access
The University’s Weblogin service is integrated with the Canadian Access Federation, a Canada-wide service that provides access to Canadian and worldwide services, including:
- Weblogin access integration with other Canadian higher-ed services.
- University of Toronto services access via other Canadian institution access systems.
- Integration with eduGAIN, a service that extends the Canadian higher-ed federated capability to educational institutions in the United States and across the world.
Last modified: February 21, 2025