University of Toronto’s Information Security Strategy released
Published: July 31, 2023

The Office of the Chief Information Security Officer has officially released the University of Toronto’s Information Security Strategy.
“The strategy was developed through a community-driven approach, involving extensive consultation with academic and administrative units, and incorporates the voices of several community members. I thank everyone who contributed to this effort,” said Kalyani Khati, Associate Director, Information Security Strategic Initiatives.
The strategy provides a shared direction and approach for the evolution of information security and privacy at the University over the next four years. It is meant to empower and enable units, including divisions, departments and researchers, to identify and drive their discipline-specific priorities within the larger constructs of the strategy.
“Release of the strategy is just the beginning. Success depends on all of us coming together to drive real change,” said Isaac Straley, Chief Information Security Officer. “I look forward to working with you towards our shared vision for information security at U of T. We are secure together.”