1. I think I already have a UTORid. How do I find out what it is?2024-07-12T11:23:36-04:00

It should be printed on your TCard:

Tcard with the UTORid printed above the barcode.

Alternatively, if you know your UTMail+ address and password, you can go to the UTORid website and click “get information”. Enter your email username (your email address without the @mail.utoronto.ca) and your password.

2. What if I forget my password?2024-07-12T11:37:09-04:00

Users may reset their UTORid password if they set up security questions during account creation. Students (including alumni), faculty and staff can also visit one of the three locations authorized to reset passwords:

If your circumstances make these options impossible, you may contact the Information Commons Help Desk at either (416) 978-HELP or help.desk@utoronto.ca.

Guests who forget their UTORid password should contact their sponsor (the person who issued them their UTORid).

3. What are the password strength requirements?2024-07-26T09:43:25-04:00

UTORid passwords must contain between 10 and 32 characters. Users can opt for longer passwords that are easy to enter on mobile devices, or shorter, more complex passwords that are quicker to enter at desktop workstations. This allows flexibility in password selection while maintaining a consistent standard of password strength.

Users are not required to change their current passwords until they choose to do so. However, continuing to use a password of 8 characters or less may lead to unexpected login issues. Users with a legacy short password are strongly recommended to change their password.

Permitted password types

Type No. of characters Character sets Example
Short 10-15 3 or more sets Ex@shorTest
Intermediate 16-19 2 or more sets ShortJustTwoSets
Easy to type 20-32 1 set (or more) examplelongerbuteasy

Permitted character sets

lowercase: a – z

uppercase: A – Z

numbers: 0 – 9

symbols: + – ~ ! @ # % & ( ) . < > ? ; [ ] { } _ ^ = | / (space not allowed)

Last modified: February 21, 2025

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